Lake & Land Management and Recreation RCG

Mission Statement

"The mission of the Lake & Land Management and Recreation Resource Conservation Group is twofold: (1.) Evaluate the effects of the Project operation on recreation resources and explore the potential for enhanced recreational opportunities. Develop a consensus based Recreation Plan to address public recreation within the Parr Project boundary for the term of the new license. (2.) Develop a consensus based Shoreline Management Plan to identify appropriate shoreline activities within the Parr Project boundary and guidelines to ensure these activities are conducted in a manner to avoid or minimize environmental impacts."

TWC Information

Technical Working Committees (TWCs) are sub-groups of the main Resource Conservation Group (RCG), formed as needed to address very specific issues, develop potential study scopes and plans, and provide sound, experience-based biological, engineering and/or scientific input. The TWC will then provide any recommendations back to the RCG for review and comment. To date, two TWCs have been formed under the Lake & Land Management and Recreation TWC. These include the Lake and Land Management TWC and the Recreation TWC. Links to each respective TWC page are included below.

Lake and Land Management TWC

Recreation TWC

RCG Meeting Information

October 16, 2013
Final Meeting Notes

February 19, 2013
Final Meeting Notes

Latest News & Information:

Parr Project Sportsman's Map

broad river view